Legale notices
& privacy policy

Website editor

La Ferme du Grand Chemin

20 Rue du Grand Chemin 
17139 Dompierre-sur-Mer
EI Levêque Dimitri
Siret number: 53747126000027

Website host

OVH Hébergement INC

2 rue Kellermann
59100 Roubaix

RCS Lille Métropole 424 761 419 00045
SAS au capital de 10 069 020 €

Website designer

La Ferme du Grand Chemin whose head office is located 20 Rue du Grand Chemin 17139 Dompierre-sur-Mer has a showcase website, which presents its activity.

This site allows, via contact forms, to receive online requests from Internet users and the data collected on this occasion are recorded in a customer file following a transaction.

This file is used to respond to all requests made on the website.

Legal bases for processing:

• Sending of responses to all requests relating to the activity of the Farm.

Data categories:

• Identity: last name, first name, email address, residential country 

• Business: type of profession

Data recipients:

The staff of the Ferme du Grand Chemin is the recipient of all of the data categories.

Data retention period:

• Three (3) years from the collection of data or the last contact from the Internet user.

Your rights:

To exercise your rights relating to the processing of your personal data or for any question on the processing of your data in this system, you can contact us:

• By electronic means: